because my tears are full of eyes

Ni siquiera hace un año que tocamos por última vez este tema y sin embargo lo teníamos desterrado de la memoria. Suponemos que debe ser por los problemas técnicos que siempre acarreaba la audacia de hacer que el mismisimo e.e.cummings nos acompañara en el escenario. El hecho es que esta misma noche en el ensayo hemos desempolvado este viejo tema y nos ha dejado un buen sabor de boca. Probablemente volvamos a jugarnos el tipo invocando al maestro en directo. Seguro que merecerá la pena...
that melancholy
fellow'll play
his handorgan
until you say
"i want a fortune".
At which (smiling) he stops:
& pick
ing up a magical stick
this dingy cage : then with a ghost's
rainfaint wind thin
isno-voice sobcries
-whereupon out(SlO
mount the wand)a by no
means almost
white more
(riding through space
to diminutive this
opened drawer) tweak
S with his brutebeak
one fatal faded(pinkish or
yellowish maybe)piece
of pitiful paper-
but now, as Mr bowing Cockatoo
proffers the meaning of the stars
14th st dies(because my tears
are full of eyes) appears. Because
only the truest things always
are true because they can't be true
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